
April 2015: NSF Grant supports multi-location conference on social sustainability
On April 8-10, 2015, the Integrated Network for Social Sustainability (INSS) held its third annual meeting. Unlike in past years, when the annual meeting was held at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, this conference took place simultaneously at 5 sites across the globe, linked together by online technology. Participants gathered in Charlotte, Lansing […]

June 2014: New department chair
The department is pleased to announce that Prof. Steven Falconer will join us in January, 2015, as department chair. Dr. Falconer is currently Head of the Department of Archaeology at La Trobe University in Melbourne, Australia. He is an archaeologist whose research focuses on the rise and evolution of urban societies in the Mediterranean and […]
Sectarianism in the Middle East topic of Great Decisions talk
Joyce Dalsheim, assistant professor in the Department of Global, International and Area Studies, will discuss sectarianism in the Middle East as the fifth speaker in the 2015 Great Decisions lecture series. This free, public presentation is scheduled for 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 11, at UNC Charlotte Center City. Dalsheim is a cultural anthropologist who studies […]

Dena Shenk receives 2015 de Silva Award
Dena Shenk, professor of anthropology and graduate coordinator of the Gerontology Program, is the 2015 recipient of the Harshini V. de Silva Award; the honor is presented annually to a faculty member who best exemplifies de Silva’s commitment to graduate students. Colleagues regard Shenk as an exceptional graduate mentor who has had an influential impact […]

Sept. 24, 2013: Professor Marks speaks at UNC Charlotte Center City
Professor Jonathan Marks will be the first speaker of the academic year in the Personally Speaking series, sponsored by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Jon will speak about his book Why I am Not a Scientist: Anthropology and Modern Knowledge. This event will be held at the UNC Charlotte Center City building (320 […]

April 2013: Graduate Student Publishes Field Research in Primatology
Ms. Danay Downing, an M.A. student focusing on primatology, published “Species and Habitat Variation in Activity Profiles Among White-Faced Capuchin and Black-Mantled Howler Monkeys” as the cover article in Anthro Journal (March 1, 2013). This article derives from her research during Summer, 2012 in Costa Rica, supported by the Maderas Rainforest Conservancy Scholarship for Education […]

M.A. Degrees awarded by the department
Ms. Alicia Messick earned the first M.A. degree in Anthropology at UNC Charlotte on May 11, 2013. She conducted an applied anthropology project for the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Properties Commission, recording barns in the remaining rural areas of Mecklenburg County. Prof. Janet Levy was chair of Alicia’s committee. Egor Isaichev earned his M.A. degree in Anthropology […]